Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fiendish Dramaturgy

Fiendish Dramaturgy is a website that now exists only on the Internet Archive.  This was  a website that reviewed a whole host of flicks with a particularly strong leaning towards the horror genre. Here was how the webmaster defined the mission of his website:

My Tastes In Movies :.
I do not watch a movie to raise anyone’s estimation of my movie knowledge. I do not post anything to impress anyone. I like what I like, regardless of what’s “trendy” or “in.” I don’t lie about my opinion of a movie just to fit in with the “in crowd.”

I’m true to myself, first and last. I don’t expect anyone to agree with my opinions. I don’t need that kind of validation. I give my opinions in the hopes of finding others of a like mind, with whom I share interests. Nothing more.

My reviews are my honest thoughts, feelings and insights concerning the movies about which they are written. They are not posted to make anyone see or stay away from a movie. I write my most honest critique of a movie for my own enjoyment. Not to make friends or influence enemies. Neither do I attempt to make enemies or influence friends. I am here solely for my own enjoyment.

When it’s no longer enjoyable, I will move on.

To find movie news and updates, simply locate the movie name on my movie review list, and see what’s up with that movie. After the movie is released, the news will be pushed down, and the review will be featured at the top of that same page. While I do my best to authenticate the news and updates I publish here, I will not attest to their accuracy. There are simply too many rumors running rampant on the internet, and I do not wish to add to them. However, sometimes it is unavoidable. We movie fans sometimes grow frustrated with a total black out of updates from working producers, studios, etc. that it is not within our power to wait any longer. But understanding the cause of these rumors does nothing to halt them. As I said; I do my best to authenticate the news I report, but I am not responsible for any inconvenience which may arise due to misinformation posted here.

I won’t bother with a comprehensive list of my movies, as it is constantly changing as things become available on DVD. New acquisitions and older VHS tapes are constantly in a state of flux. I will say that, as of today, 2/26/05, I have 1,074 movies. That is in DVD and VHS media, combined. We just counted them.

Thank you,

the Fiend :.

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